Hormones and Weight Loss with PCOS - Module 3

Hormones and Their Role in Weight Loss with PCOS

  1. Definition of a Hormone

    • Hormones are chemicals that travel throughout the body, sending signals to regulate key processes such as metabolism, energy storage, and hunger.
  2. Hormones Relevant to Weight Loss in PCOS

    • Insulin: Regulates blood sugar and promotes fat storage. In PCOS, excess insulin leads to insulin resistance, making the body store calories instead of burning them, which complicates weight loss.
    • Testosterone: Elevated in PCOS, this androgen contributes to fat accumulation and muscle loss, making weight management more challenging.
    • Cortisol: A stress hormone that, when elevated, increases fat storage (especially in the abdominal area) and disrupts metabolism. Chronic stress in PCOS can worsen insulin resistance and make weight loss difficult.
  3. Vitamin D: A Vitamin or a Hormone?

    • Vitamin D functions as both a vitamin and a hormone. It influences insulin sensitivity and metabolic health, which can support weight loss efforts in PCOS.
  4. Strategies for Effective Weight Loss in PCOS

    • Balance meals with protein, fiber, and healthy fats to regulate insulin.
    • Manage stress through breathwork, yoga, walks, or therapy to reduce cortisol.
    • Include movement regularly to improve insulin sensitivity.
    • Ensure adequate sleep to support hormone balance and appetite regulation.
    • Consider supplements like Vitamin D to aid insulin regulation.

Balancing these hormones is crucial for sustainable weight loss in PCOS, as traditional calorie-cutting and intense exercise often backfire without proper hormonal management.