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Cycle Tracking/Healthy Cycles 6 - The Importance of Cycle Awareness

Written on 09/13/2024
Caitlin Johnson

This PCOS module emphasizes the importance of understanding and tracking your menstrual cycle for overall health. Reasons to get to know your cycle highlight how monitoring patterns helps identify hormonal imbalances, predict ovulation, and manage PCOS-related symptoms. Knowing your cycle can provide insights into your fertility, mood changes, and overall well-being.

What to do with information about your cycle explains how this data can guide lifestyle adjustments, medical treatments, or fertility planning. It helps you communicate more effectively with healthcare providers and tailor interventions for PCOS management.

Treating your cycle as a vital sign underscores how cycle regularity reflects overall health, just like heart rate or blood pressure. Irregular or absent cycles can signal issues such as insulin resistance, thyroid dysfunction, or high stress levels, all of which are crucial in PCOS management.

Hormone testing with your cycle involves timed blood tests to assess levels of estrogen, progesterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) at specific points in your cycle. This helps identify hormonal imbalances and can guide treatment options, including medications or lifestyle changes to restore cycle health in women with PCOS.

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