Rerelease: You are Pregnant, Now What: Birth Education Courses

In this week’s episode of Food, Freedom and Fertility Sophia and Caitlin are back at with You are Pregnant, Now What: Birth Education Courses. Last week they guided you through the first steps of pregnancy and what things you should focus on but this week they break down the different types of birthing classes.

Most people are familiar with or have seen in movies Lamaze classes… but in this podcast episode you will learn what to consider when considering what style of birth, you want. By knowing what kind of birth, you would like will help you choose your birthing classes.

Hospitals all provide a basic class but those are designed to help you have a hospital birth and teaches you to be a good patient and explains hospital procedure. In addition to the hospital classes Sophia and Caitlin suggest looking into different midwife groups, doula collectives or birth centers for additional classes. They don’t suggest skipping the hospital class if you plan on having a hospital birth but additional classes will gift you with more knowledge for your labor and delivery.

Sophia and Caitlin will also break down the different methods of birthing such as the Bradley Method, Hypno Birthing, Gentle Birthing, Christian Hypno Birthing, Birthing from Within, Pain Free Birth with Karen Welton (use code TTC for 10% off). Also, if you are 100% planning on a hosptial birth, Mommy Labor Nurse is a wonderful resource, you can find her on Instagram at mommy.labornurse.

We hope this episode helps you choose a birthing class that is best suited for you, your partner and your new baby.

Pain Free Birth 10% off with code TTC

Mommy Labor Nurse