Hot Gos: Caitlin and Sophia Spilling the Tea

Welcome to another episode of Food, Freedom, and Fertility. Hosts Caitlin and Sophia give an update about their personal life.

Caitlin's father was recently diagnosed with cancer. Caitlin chats about how she is navigating this news and how thankful she is to have friends and family like Sophia who are praying for her dad. 

This episode also touches on hot topics like raw milk, the menstrual cycle, women healthcare practices and more. Because this episode was a bit heavy, Caitlin and Sophia are asking you to snap a pic of what you are cheersing to and tag us on instagram to be featured on our account. 

Thank you to our Season 4 Sponsors. Be sure to use the code on their site for a Food, Freedom and Fertility discount.

  • FullWell: FullWell is offering our listeners 20% off your first order by using our code FFF20. Head to their website for more information on their products. 
  • Fond: Head to then use the code FFF10 to get 10% off your first order. 

You can find us on IG at FoodFreedomFertility