Ep 14: Thyroid Health in Preconception, Pregnancy, Postpartum and Perimenopause

Hypothyroidsim, Sub-Clinical Hypothyroidism, Hashimotos Thyroiditis are all conditions of thyroid disfunction with large amounts of overlap in the PCOS community.

Unfortunately higher levels of TSH and Thyroid antibodies can increase risk of pregnancy loss. It can also lengthen the amount of time it takes to get pregnant.

Aiming to get your TSH under 2.5 or seek treatment if your TSH is above this or you have elevated antibodies can help you conceive and have a healthier pregnancy.

Unfortunately, it's really common for the Doctors in many Western countries to not treat your thyroid unless TSH values exceed 4.5. We need to be advocating a lot earlier to help improve outcomes for ourselves.

Ask your doctor for a thorough thyroid panel including: TSH, Free T-4, Free T-3, Reverse T-3, Anti-TPO antibodies and TGA antibodies. 

Focus on quality sleep, lowering stress levels and blood sugar control.